Rocky Mountain Efficiencies Credits the following Resources or its Vast Experience
We appreciate our content partners and collaborators
In appreciation to our collaborators, partners and resources we dedicate this page to our cooperation.Thank you for your valuable content and commitment to sustainability and public health.
Rocky Mountain Ashrae
What facility heating, ventilation, and air conditioning strategies are needed to prevent or mitigate the spread of COVID-19? Join the National Academies' Federal Facilities Council on Wednesday, 0ctober 28, 2020, from 2:00-3:30pm EDT for a webinar on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Strategies in Response to COVID-19. This webinar will address guidance from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) on HVAC strategies, system and facility design, and practical experience for preparing existing federal facilities for occupancy. https://rockymtnashrae.com
Elite Room
We are environmentalists and certified Air Quality Consultants who have specifically selected the features of your Elite Room protection package. We understand that these are turbulent times and it is our goal to provide our guests the sanitation confidence and guest room security they deserve. Our program features make your travel safer, your room near hypoallergenic, kinder to the environment, and simply more comfortable. Rest Assured, participating Elite Room Hotels understand the importance of disinfection, contagion prevention and guest satisfaction. https://www.elite-room.com 800-984-0332
Virus Depot
Selecting contagion control equipment for your home or business is an important decision to be considered carefully. Many options exist to reduce harmful bacteria and virus so please read the product description carefully and always follow operational instructions. Our Store offers the latest in UVC Sanitation devices, and Air purifies that feature Negative Ionization, Photocatalytic Oxidation and Ozone.
https://www.virusdepot.com 800-984-0332
Denver Lodging Engineers Association
The Denver Lodging Engineers Association’s purpose is to provide valuable industry knowledge, peer to peer networking and technology introduction to public facility engineers in the Denver Metro and surrounding areas. Our members are encouraged to attend periodic meetings, share relevant experiences, recommend additional potential member engineers and sponsor professional vendors. 303-927-0745
ASEP Association of Energy Services Professionals
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) hosts informal gatherings every few months. Chapter events are attended by a wide range of energy professionals: public officials from local government, staff from large and small utilities, energy consultants, employees from local national laboratories (e.g., NREL, NOAA, NCAR), educators, and students, as well as staff from non-profit organizations and environmental groups. With many energy professionals located in Front Range Colorado, from both the private and public sectors, these events give participants a chance to meet and discuss work in a casual setting that is both fun and beneficial for professional development. Phoenix Az. 480-704-5900
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI)
RASEI is a joint institute between the University of Colorado Boulder and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) addressing important, complex problems in energy that require a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional approach. Its mission is to expedite solutions that transform energy by advancing renewable energy science, engineering, and analysis through research, education, and industry partnerships. 303-492-0284 https://www.colorado.edu/rasei
Rocky Mountain USGCB
We're committed to transforming how our buildings are designed, constructed and operated through LEED, because we believe that every person deserves a better, more sustainable life.
Our vision is that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation. Our mission is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.
https://www.usgbc.org/organizations/rocky-mountain-institute?view=employees 303-567-8639
Colorado CleanTech Industry Association
Founded in 2008, CCIA impacts Colorado’s policies, people, products, and programs that drive expansion of a cleaner, cheaper, more efficient, and secure energy economy. Through advocacy, public policy leadership, development, and education, CCIA works to ensure that Colorado is a global cleantech leader. https://www.coloradocleantech.com/
ISSP is the world’s leading professional association of sustainability practitioners. A member-driven organization, we move the sustainability profession forward by empowering each other and defining professional excellence. Regardless of your area of specialization, at ISSP you will find a key partner in driving change. https://www.sustainabilityprofessionals.org
Southwest Building Commissioning Association BCXA
Welcome to the BCxA Southwest Chapter. This Chapter is made up of over 60 members within 6 states, including Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Utah. Our members are comprised of commissioning providers, building owners, and contractors who promote the whole building commissioning approach according to BCxA Essential Attributes. The Southwest Chapter of BCxA was created in 2004. The focus of the chapter is to connect our members to promote and protect the attributes of the commissioning process. 877-666-2292
Institute for Molecular Virology
The Institute for Molecular Virology (IMV) seeks to improve the health of the citizens of Minnesota through education, outreach, and research (basic, clinical, translational). The IMV unites virus researchers from across the University of Minnesota in a strategic manner to enhance the mission and goals of the IMV. 612-624-1926
American Institute of Virology
Journal of Virology® (JVI) explores the nature of viruses, reporting important new discoveries and pointing to new directions in research.
202-942-9231 https://jvi.asm.org/