Efficiency Matters Blog
Efficiency Takes Many Forms

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Can UV light Kill the Covid-19 Virus?
Clinical studies have shown that the spectrum emitted from natural UV sun light is effective when exposed to bacteria and virus. Man-made UVC light is considerably more effective at sanitation in close proximity to contagion.

Virus Protection for High-Risk Workers
We want to personally thank the medical and service workers who have to brave it out each day in extremely difficult circumstances. You are truly heroes to us all. We would like to offer our best suggestions on how to make sure that your family stays safe and healthy during this difficult time. Of course, it is important that you follow all of the available safety advice and your company policies. Utilize all strategy to stop touching your face, but most importantly understand that there is an important virus control strategy that the news is not telling you about. You do have the ability to control your surroundings and air quality.

Strategies to Defend your Facility from Harmful Virus
. Rocky Mountain Efficiency Group is certified in air quality and specializes harmful Mold, Bacteria and Virus control. I know these times are uncertain for all, overwhelming and fearful but now is the time for these important facility operators and business owners to consider a recovery plan. We certainly can’t clean squirt and filter our way out of this, and contagion, harmful bacteria and virus will be with us for eternity.

Killing Virus in your Laundry
The Pure Wash laundry ozone system will not only clean your clothing more thoroughly with less soap it will sanitize the clothing with 99.99% assurance. This device simply attaches to the wall between the water and the washer.